Services around nuclear physics
Our physicists support your operation in all areas of nuclear physics. We are a reliable partner with over four decades of experience in incore fuel management, fuel assembly disposal, criticality and shielding calculations, to name just a few examples. With our competence, we are at your side to operate your plant safely and economically.
Incore fuel management in pressurised and boiling water reactors - for safe and economically optimal reactor operation.
With our operating experience, over 100 operating cycles and independent of fuel assembly manufacturer interests, we help reactor operators to increase electricity yield and fuel utilisation and to reduce fuel assembly disposal quantities. For each new operating cycle, we guarantee that the unrestricted regulatory approval for the core loading to be used is obtained in good time.
With the design of PWR and BWR reloading cores, we ensure the safety-engineering and economically optimal operation of the reactor with U and MOX fuel elements.
We supply::
nuclear designs of PWR and BWR fuel assemblies (U, MOX, with/without Gd)
Accompanying studies and special investigations (e.g. enrichment enhancement, spectral shift operation, cycle length studies, optimisation of the last cycles, etc.).
Especially for SWR:
Calculation of RPV and control element fluences
Comprehensive fuel channel management
Core stability analysis
Calculation of variable boundary marks
For decades, we have been carrying out incore fuel management for the nuclear power plants Gundremmingen (units B and C) and Biblis (units A and B) on behalf of RWE Nuclear and PreussenElektra. At the same time, we also calculated many different cycles for almost all German PWRs (Mülheim-Kärlich, Unterweser, Emsland, Philippsburg 2, Isar 2, Grafenrheinfeld and Neckarwestheim 2). We have been involved in the studies on the recycling of plutonium in thermal and fast reactors in Germany from the very beginning and have a lot of experience in the use of Pu-containing fuel elements in boiling water reactors (VAK, Gundremmingen A, B and C).
Further services:
Monitoring of subcriticality during loading of PWR cores
Seminars on reactor-physical aspects (e.g. MOX fuel)