Chemical Decontamination Process for NPPs Primary Circuits
For the chemical decontamination of PWR and BWR primary systems and the auxiliary systems in the nuclear power plant, Siempelkamp NIS developed the ASDOC_D-MOD Process. This chemical decontamination process is operated and controlled by the plant equipment on site.
The chemical decontamination process ASDOC_D-MOD
ASDOC_D-MOD uses well-known and freely accessible process chemicals in significantly reduced concentrations and with modified operating logistics. The chemical concentrates are injected into the reactor primary circuit via the site's dosing system and then circulated in the primary circuit.
Like in regular plant operation, the control of plant systems needed for the decontamination is performed by the operating personnel from the control room. Required parameters for e.g. dosing processes, throughputs or temperatures are given by Siempelkamp NIS. Dissolved ions and nuclides from the primary circuit’s oxide layers are removed by means of the site’s ion exchange water clean-up system. The ASDOC_D-MOD process may be interrupted and restarted at any time without any precipitations of chemical compounds.
The decontamination process which is subdivided in several processing steps can precisely be terminated at the interface between oxide layer and base material. An unintentional damage of the base metal and hence and increase of waste can thus be prevented safely.
ASDOC – Advanced System Decontamination by Oxidizing Chemistry
The process shows that a removal of the oxide layers can be performed and tracked in a controlled manner. This is due to the precisely dosed and limited amount of chemicals. After the individual process steps, the used chemicals are stoichiometrically converted. Therefore, no surplus chemicals remain in the decontamination cycle. The oxide layers dissolve during the individual process steps - This is achieved by nearly constant oxide layer removal rates. The process steps can be repeated several times until the desired decontamination result is achieved. The activity distribution on metal surfaces can thereby be lowered to the release limit. As the ASDOC_D-MOD process requires no external components which need to be assembled or disassembled, the accumulated operator dose rate during a decontamination campaign stands low at some mSv. Thanks to the precise process control, the ASDOC_D-MOD process reaches decontamination factors of > 75.
ASDOC_D-MOD: Innovation with many advantages
Primary circuit decontamination integrates plant operating staff
Process control by Siempelkamp NIS from outside the containment
No elaborate setup of equipment in radiation fields
Reduced danger of leakages: The primary circuit does not need to be opened, the cooling water is not led along additional external facilities
Only soluble compounds, no precipitations of oxides in the process
Small and well-controllable use of chemicals
Small amount of waste